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Oldest Bird, Not A Bird?

Tuesday Oct 22nd, 2019


Scientists are thinking that the world’s oldest bird may not really be a bird after all. Paleontologists have long considered the archaeopteryx the world’s oldest bird. Fossilized remains were discovered in 1861, revealing an ancient animal with the feathers and wings of a bird, but the tail and teeth of a dinosaur. Classified as an avian, their status is now in doubt thanks to new research conducted by scientists at China’s Linyi University. As reported by the Guardian,... [read more]

Better Write It Down

Wednesday Aug 14th, 2019


An elderly husband and wife noticed that they were beginning to forget many little things around the house. So, they decided to go see their physician to get some help. Their physician told them that many people their age find it useful to write themselves little notes as reminders. The elderly couple thought this sounded wonderful, and left the doctor's office very pleased with the advice. When they got home, the wife said, "Dear, will you please go to the kitchen and get me a dish... [read more]

The Origin Of @

Friday Jul 26th, 2019


We know it well as the standard symbol for e-mail, but where did it come? History says that the @ symbol was created by medieval monks. During the Middle Ages, each copy of a book was painstakingly transcribed by hand. The task went to monks, who developed ways to reduce the number of pen strokes for common words. The result was to loop the “t” in the word at around the “a.”   [read more]

Be Careful With Sugar Intake

Friday Jul 26th, 2019


A spoonful of sugar may, as Mary Poppins sang, help the medicine go down. But too many spoonfuls will probably increase your need to take medicine in the first place. Too much sugar—or rather, the unproductive calories it delivers to the body—can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease, among other health problems. How much is too much? An American Heart Association study found that Americans consume an average of 22 teaspoons a day (during 2001-2004). AHA guidelines... [read more]

3 Interesting Food Facts

Wednesday Aug 14th, 2019


Refried beans are only fried once. The reason for the misconception around the name is a translation error. The originals are frijoles refritos which actually means “well fried beans” – not re-fried. Worcestershire sauce, the popular English sauce, is made from dissolved anchovies. The anchovies are soaked in vinegar until they have completely melted. The sauce contains the bones and all. Coconut water can be used (in emergencies) as a substitute for blood plasma. The... [read more]

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