Second Career Ideas For Retirees
Monday Jun 05th, 2017
Millions of retirees are launching a second career in their 60s, 70s and even 80s. A whopping 74 percent of workers plan to get a new job after they retire, according to the annual retirement expectations survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.
Regardless of age or need, it's a tricky time to change careers. Even so, there are plenty of intriguing job sectors for retirees who want to put their hard-won expertise to work or try something completely different.
- Migrate your mangement, boardroom, or c-suite skills from the business world to the nonprofit sector.
- Teach. Education, whether in the grade schools, college, or adult training world will always be in demand, and educators with some age on them tend to be valued more than in other sectors.
- The home health care industry will more than value your contribution.
- If you have any knack for writing, the freelance writing world has vast possibilities.

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