Try Strategic Fasting to Live Longer

Monday Jun 05th, 2017


Numerous studies have shown a positive impact on your health by following a fasting diet. Impacts of fasting include the reduction of chronic disease risk, longevity, and weight loss. Contrary to first impressions that fasting will leave you hungry, most people report that fasting actually takes their food cravings away. Fasting is not a "one-size-fits-all" approach, and success often means trying different models. Here are three approaches to try:


  • Sleep Fasting. To find a 12- to 14-hour fasting period, don't forget your sleep time! If you cut off your food intake at, say, 6 pm, then don't eat again until 8 am, you've fasted. Yea! Nothing to it. After that, eat a normal healthy diet.


  • The 5:2 On-Off Plan. If your goal is to lose weight or reduce belly fat, try a traditional 5:2 plan. Go for two "fasting-on" days, where you consume 500-600 calories, split between breakfast and dinner. The other five days of the week are your "fasting-off" days, where you follow a healthy regular diet without calorie restriction. This intermittent fasting may help reduce cravings and have beneficial impacts on insulin and C-reactive protein.


  • The monthly periodic approach. Studies show a monthly, periodic approach to fasting can help to increase longevity and reduce your risk for cancer, diabetes and heart disease. For five consecutive days each month, consume about 35 to 50 percent of your normal calorie intake, divided between 10% protein, 40% carbohydrate and 50% fat. For example, if your normal intake is 1,800 calories, then for five days in a row, you'll bring it down to 700 calories, and focus on lean proteins, healthy fats and high-fiber carbohydrates.

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