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Why St. Patrick’s Day?

Wednesday Feb 27th, 2019


Sunday, March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day. Why do we bother to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day around the world? Obviously, you might say, the day is to honour Ireland's patron saint, who introduced Catholicism to the Irish and rid their land of snakes. But that's not really what we're celebrating, is it? We're really using it as an excuse to wear green and throw a big party. Everyone knows the Irish love a good party. Our methods of celebrating might differ around the... [read more]

Sun Safety Guidelines For Children

Thursday Jun 28th, 2018


In the summer everyone wants to have fun in the sun, but you really want to protect your children’s tender skin from sunburns. Follow these sun safety recommen- dations from the American Academy of Pediatrics: For babies under six months: It’s best to avoid sun exposure by making sure your baby is in full shade, like from a dense tree or an umbrella. Even when baby is in the shade, the sun's rays reflect off sand and water, so dress him in lightweight clothes that... [read more]

Quality Service Is Not Expensive, It's Priceless.

Thursday Jun 28th, 2018


On average, families move about every five years and we are always looking for repair and service people we can trust. Most of us rely on wise neighbors for referrals to reliable plumbers, painters and auto mechanics. Still, it takes time to develop your own personal relationships with them. Here are some ways that may help give you more confidence in your choices until you and your service people have bonded. Ask around for shops and services before you need them. Don’t put off... [read more]

Just Say No To Spending

Friday Jul 7th, 2017


When financial planners are asked about how to save more money, one suggestion that is often repeated is to declare a moratorium on spending. Think of it like fasting. When we fast, we reset our internal food sensor. After a fast, we are more aware of the food we choose, and we tend not to automatically reach for junk food or to overeat. Similarly, when we cut ourselves off from spending, we reset our internal money sensor. It’s simple...but probably not easy. Here’s how to... [read more]

Should We Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide?

Wednesday May 30th, 2018


A high school freshman won first prize at a science fair for his experiment demonstrating people’s gullibility.  He was attempting to show how conditioned we’ve become to alarmists practicing junk science and spreading fear of everything in our environment.  In his project, the student urged people to sign a petition demanding strict control or total elimination of the chemical dihydrogen monoxide for the following good reasons: 1. It is a major component in acid... [read more]

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