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Office & Home Wi-Fi Killers

Monday Jun 5th, 2017


You might be surprised what everyday items and situations are bringing your network to a crawl. Here are the top 12 common issues impacting office and home Wi-Fi. 1. Tinted glass. You’d think Wi-Fi signals would sail right through, but they don’t. Tinted glass often has metal additives that can heavily absorb Wi-Fi signals. So if your office is full of wall-to-wall windows or glass conference rooms, it’s going to impact your signal. 2. Mirrors. These are huge Wi-Fi... [read more]

Retire At 65? Think Again!

Monday Jun 5th, 2017


Thirty years ago, people typically started work at a fairly young age (age 20), worked to 65 and then retired. Statistically they lived to age 72, so they had many years to earn and save, and just a few years to spend. Typical retirement age has been 65 for a long time. In developed countries like Canada, the US, and Australia, social retirement benefits only start to kick in at 65. But today, our statistical lifespan in these developed countries has increased to 78 years. Unfortunately,... [read more]

That's Enough!

Monday Jun 5th, 2017


A rich investor was bragging to a famous author at a cocktail party: “You know, I made more money on one investment last month than you’ve made with all your best-sellers. I’ll probably make more money this year than you’ll make in your entire life.” The author replied, “That may be true, but I have one thing you’ll never have.” “What’s that?” asked the investor. “Enough.” [read more]

Can You Hear Me Now?

Monday Jun 5th, 2017


An old lady had a hearing-aid fitted, hidden underneath her hair. A week later she returned to the doctor for her check-up. "It's wonderful - I can hear everything now," she reported very happily to the doctor. "And is your family pleased, too?" asked the doctor. "Oh I haven't told them yet," said the old lady, "And I've changed my will twice already." [read more]

What Will Housing Be Like In 2050?

Monday Jun 5th, 2017


Today, the population of the world is about 7.4 billion. By 2050, the UN predicts it will be 9 billion. What does that mean for the future of housing... and how might that affect you? One thing is for certain: New homes will not be built at nearly the same rate as population growth. We will have to make smarter use of what we have, and rethink the space and resources we need. For instance, consider household size. In the early 1900's, 5-person households were normal. Today, 1-person... [read more]

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