Fall Checklist for Your Home

Friday Aug 23rd, 2019


Fall is the perfect time to take care of the little things that can make a big difference for you and your home. Most of the tasks listed below are well with- in the average person’s ability. But even if you choose to have a professional handle them, it’s worth the expense. You’ll save money – and maybe even your life. Get your mind in the gutters. Inspect and clean gutters and downspouts. Button up your overcoat. Seal gaps and cracks around windows and doors with... [read more]

Furnace Readiness Tips

Tuesday Oct 22nd, 2019


With winter upon us, many of you probably already have your furnace running. If you haven’t turned it on yet, or haven’t done the maintenance yet, here are some quick tips. 1. Turn off the gas and electricity to the furnace. 2. Vacuum the furnace interior everywhere you can reach. 3. Change the air filter. 4. Check the fan belt for wear--glazing, cracking, or fraying. The belt should be taut. Tighten by loosening the attachment bracket and moving the... [read more]

Fall Begins September 22

Thursday Aug 23rd, 2018


The Autumnal Equinox occurs on September 22nd, ushering in a new season. The equinoxes (both Autumnal in fall, and Vernal in spring) mark the points in the year when the sun crosses the equator, so that every place on earth experiences an equal amount of daylight and darkness. Equinoxes are also the days when the sun rises in the Northern Hemisphere exactly due east and it sets exactly due west. The equinoxes have been observed and celebrated for thousands of years and have significance for... [read more]



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