Lost Jobs Lead To New Opportunities

Friday Oct 19th, 2018


According to a CareerBuilder survey, 54 percent of people who landed new jobs last year found themselves working in new fields. If you’re searching for a job, this may be an opportunity to explore something you’ve always wanted to do, like these people: ¨ A financial advisor became a school teacher. ¨ A school teacher became a restaurant manager. ¨ A restaurant manager turned computer tech. ¨ A computer tech became a veterinary... [read more]

Making the Move Easy on the Kids

Monday Jun 5th, 2017


Most often, a move represents an important step forward for the adults in the family because of a new job, promotion, transfer to a different office, or financial success has allowed them to buy a more comfortable house in a different neighborhood. Moving from one house to another is seldom easy and enjoyable for adults (who chose to move), and can be especially troubling for children (who prefer to stay where they are).  But if parents are mindful of their children’s concerns... [read more]



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