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Golf: A Good Walk Spoiled?

Friday Jul 26th, 2019


The summer months are the prime golfing season. The origins of this popular (and frequently frustrating) game are unclear, though some historians trace it back to an ancient Roman game called paganica, in which players used a bent stick to hit a leather ball. A stained glass window dating back to 1340 in Gloucester Cathedral in England shows someone swinging something that looks like a golf club. And a Ming dynasty scroll, also from the 14th century, depicts a member of the Chinese imperial... [read more]

Faint praise

Friday Jul 26th, 2019


A minister was retiring, and after his final sermon, he stood at the door of his church to say farewell to his parishioners. One old woman told him, “I’m sure our next pastor won’t be as good as you’ve been.” The minister was flattered but tried to be modest. “Oh, I’m sure he’ll be fine. What makes you say that?” “I’ve been here for the last five pastors,” said the lady, “and each one has been worse than the one... [read more]

Thrifty Car Management

Wednesday Aug 14th, 2019


You depend on your car, and you take good care of it. But you don’t have to throw lavish amounts of money at it. Take heed of this money-saving advice: · Stick with normal tires. Don’t let dealers talk you into super-grip performance tires unless you drive a sports car and really need them. Most high-performance tires are more expensive and don’t last as long as regular tires. · Don’t change the oil more than you need to. Check your... [read more]

3 Interesting Food Facts

Wednesday Aug 14th, 2019


Refried beans are only fried once. The reason for the misconception around the name is a translation error. The originals are frijoles refritos which actually means “well fried beans” – not re-fried. Worcestershire sauce, the popular English sauce, is made from dissolved anchovies. The anchovies are soaked in vinegar until they have completely melted. The sauce contains the bones and all. Coconut water can be used (in emergencies) as a substitute for blood plasma. The... [read more]

Power of Attorney and Will Tips for Canadian Snowbirds

Thursday Aug 15th, 2019


Wills and powers of attorneys aren’t just for the wealthy - they are essential legal documents everyone should have, as they dictate how you or your assets are to be cared for or dealt with in the event you pass away or become incapacitated. A properly drafted and executed will (or wills) ensures that your assets are distributed, and your minor children are taken care of, according to your wishes in the event of your death.  Powers of attorney are equally important documents that... [read more]

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